Oil concession contract

Production sharing contract (PSC) is a distinct petroleum arrangement that has been developed by many countries in the exploration and production of their petroleum resources as it guarantees the sovereign right of the state over these resources and meet their economic desires by providing capital and technology for their production (Ogunleye, 2015). 1.2.2 A production Sharing Contract (PSC) is a contract for cooperation between a National Oil Company (‘NOC’) and an international oil company (‘IOC’). The foreign investor assumes all the pre-production risks and recovers both his cost and his profit share from production, in predetermined proportions, once commercial production from the contract area commences [ 4 ] . A service contract is a long-term contractual framework that is used by some host governments to acquire the international oil companies’ expertise and capital without having to hand over the field and production ownership rights to them. Our review suggests that the new

“Petroleum Produced ” means Petroleum which has been extracted from a reservoir, initially separated and processed into Crude Oil, condensate or Natural Gas  A grant extended by a government to permit a company to explore for and produce oil, gas or mineral resources within a strictly defined geographic area,  12 Jan 2016 Concession or license agreements have evolved considerably since their introduction in the early 1900s as one-sided contracts when many of  27 Mar 2015 TYPES OF PETROLEUM CONTRACTS AGREEMENT; Product Sharing Contract/ Agreement (PSC/PSA); Concession (or Tax-and-Royalty) 

1 Apr 2016 Keywords – Economic Rent; Oil and Gas Contracts; Governance Petroleum Resources; Under concession agreements, the concessionaire.

Fiscal regimes: Three major types of oil and gas agreements 1. Concession System. A concession or a concession agreement is a type of contract between a state or mineral rights owner and a company that provides the former with the right to operate a business with the jurisdiction of the latter based on negotiated terms and conditions. A concession agreement typically refers to a contract between a company and a government that gives the company the right to operate a specific business within the government's jurisdiction, subject to certain terms. The oil and gas industry operates in countries throughout the world in accordance with a number of different types of agreements. These agreements generally fall into one of four categories (or a combination of the categories): risk agreements , concessions , production sharing agreements (PSAs, also known as production sharing contracts, PSCs) and service contracts. Concession is a form of contract in the oil and gas industry between a State and a company to explore and develop these resources. Comments Oil and gas concessions are very similar to mining concessions considering that in all countries, except USA, and few others the underground belongs to the State , not to the owner of the upper land. 1. n. [Oil and Gas Business] A grant extended by a government to permit a company to explore for and produce oil, gas or mineral resources within a strictly defined geographic area, typically beneath government-owned lands or lands in which the government owns the rights to produce oil, gas or minerals. In the concession agreement a number of things are stipulated. For instance the conditions for exploration and the rules governing the production agreement in the case of success. Long ago, a concession meant that the prospector became the owner of the resources within the concession area (UK North Sea) and for a period of sometimes up to 75 years.

Risk service contracts were first used in Latin America, where concession arrangements became unacceptable to several countries that had created their own NOCs and granted them a monopoly on oil

TYPES OF PETROLEUM CONTRACTS AGREEMENT; Product Sharing Contract/Agreement (PSC/PSA); Concession (or Tax-and-Royalty) Contracts; STABILIZATION; EGYPTIAN HYDR… Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. On the project becoming economically viable, both parties take their share of the oil in accordance with the formula laid out in the law or contract. Royalty oil is first allocated to the NOC in accordance with the agreed quantum. Cost oil which represents an IOC’s operating cost is then allocated to the contractor. The D'Arcy Concession was a petroleum oil concession that was signed in 1901 between William Knox D'Arcy and Mozzafar al-Din, Shah of Persia. The oil concession gave D'Arcy the exclusive rights to prospect for oil in Persia. During this exploration for oil, D'Arcy and his team encountered financial troubles and struggled to find sellable amounts of oil. They were about to give up but eventually struck large commercial quantities of oil in 1908. After these large commercial quantities of oil were In concession contracts, this ownership, either individual or government, is transferred to the operating oil and gas company. A concession contract does not go on forever – there is a time limit given to the operating company to explore, develop and produce any oil and gas reserves found on the land. It usually lasts 20 years in most countries. Petroleum Contract Models. Concession or license agreements have evolved considerably since their introduction in the early 1900s as one-sided contracts when many of the resource-rich nations of today were dependencies, colonies, or protectorates of other states or empires. This paper however focuses on concessions: a principal form of contracts between a company in oil and gas industry and state to explore and develop oil and gas resources. Oil and gas concessions are much more similar to the concessions of mines considering that in most countries save for the United States of America, the state owns the underground and not the real owner of the upper land. Production sharing contract (PSC) is a distinct petroleum arrangement that has been developed by many countries in the exploration and production of their petroleum resources as it guarantees the sovereign right of the state over these resources and meet their economic desires by providing capital and technology for their production (Ogunleye, 2015).

6 Feb 2019 The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) announced, today, the Contract for Construction of Ghasha Concession Artificial Islands.

Production sharing contract (PSC) is a distinct petroleum arrangement that has been developed by many countries in the exploration and production of their petroleum resources as it guarantees the sovereign right of the state over these resources and meet their economic desires by providing capital and technology for their production (Ogunleye, 2015). 1.2.2 A production Sharing Contract (PSC) is a contract for cooperation between a National Oil Company (‘NOC’) and an international oil company (‘IOC’). The foreign investor assumes all the pre-production risks and recovers both his cost and his profit share from production, in predetermined proportions, once commercial production from the contract area commences [ 4 ] . A service contract is a long-term contractual framework that is used by some host governments to acquire the international oil companies’ expertise and capital without having to hand over the field and production ownership rights to them. Our review suggests that the new Kuwait contract was to run for seventy-five years (Oil Concession of . 1934: Article 1. At times, the company secured rights over large tracts of land. This control could extend to the entire country. (Omorogbe, 1997, p. 58). The broad remit meant that the interests of companies in exploiting resources were not always congruent with those of the host Lorenzo (Cotula, 2010) contended that concessions are contracts when the government grants the investor the exclusive right to exploit natural resources in a given area for a specified period of time, in exchange for payment of royalties, taxation and fees. FEATURES AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK OF A PETROLEUM CONCESSION CONTRACT extraction of oil. The contractual form changes between and within countries but the most common contracts are concession contracts and production sharing agree-

shall also award Concession Contracts for the exploration, development and production of oil and gas, issue authorizations related to these activities, supervise 

1 Apr 2016 Keywords – Economic Rent; Oil and Gas Contracts; Governance Petroleum Resources; Under concession agreements, the concessionaire. 24 Jan 2014 Since 1939, Abu Dhabi has extracted crude oil at its primary onshore oil fields through concession agreements with the above foreign oil  It could be a concession agreement, a production sharing agreement or a service contract. 5 J Radon, loc., cit. 6 J Radon, How to Negotiate the Right Petroleum  What is the customary duration of oil leases, concessions or licences? The duration depends on the type of concession agreement. There are four types of 

27 Mar 2015 TYPES OF PETROLEUM CONTRACTS AGREEMENT; Product Sharing Contract/ Agreement (PSC/PSA); Concession (or Tax-and-Royalty)  To explore for oil a permit is required. There are four main types of contracts: Concession; Production Sharing Contract (c.q. Agreement) (PSC or PSA); Joint  20 May 2014 extraction of oil. The contractual form changes between and within countries but the most common contracts are concession contracts and